Make better decisions with accurate, consistent, up‑to‑date data from your QuickBooks® general ledger

Plans That Scale


Understand the full cost of doing business – best for companies just starting out, or working on Fixed Price Contracts & Projects

$1,200 /year

Unlimited Users

New Customers Save 50%
off 1st year*
  • Indirect Rates & Wrap Rates
  • Indirect Cost Allocation
  • Contract Profit/Loss

*Basic Edition first year offer is valid for new ICAT companies on the first subscription year.
Contact us to redeem offer


FAR compliance tools for Government Contractors looking to pass an SF1408 review and confidently manage T&M, Labor, and Cost‑Type Contracts

$2,400 /year

Unlimited Users
Standard ICAT Support

All Basic Features plus:

  • Contract Status Reporting
  • Labor Distribution
  • Labor Charges by Job
  • Funding Backlog
  • Indirect Rate Variance


For Government Contractors that need FAR 52.216-7 compliance, plus greater insights for pricing, management, and growth

$3,600 /year

Unlimited Users
Standard ICAT Support

All Standard Features plus:

  • Incurred Cost Proposal
  • Budgeting
  • Provisional Rate Calculations
  • Budget vs. Actual Reporting

Customize your accounting system to manage contracts and your business

ICAT Integrates Seamlessly with

QuickBooks logo

Avoid the time and expense of migrating to a whole new system, and start running reports in hours, not weeks or months.

ICAT provides straight-forward, intuitive tools that integrate seamlessly with the general ledger software you already know, so you can confidently compete for and manage government contracts.


You choose the timekeeping, payroll, and hosting solutions that fit your business and budget.


Automate workflows, simplify contract management, and instantly view your financials with purpose-built reporting.


Upgrade any time to add features as your business needs and contract requirements grow.

Compare Features

ICAT is available in 3 editions, so you can pick the features that fit your needs.

Core Features
Seamless Integration with QuickBooks Desktop
Chart of Accounts Builder for New Companies
Reporting on Any Timeframe
Export to Excel and Print to PDF
Maximum Users
Supports DCAA Compliance
Cost Accounting
Customizable Indirect Rate Structure
Cost Pool and Allocation Base Detail
Indirect Cost Allocation to Intermediate and Final Cost Objectives (Contract, CLIN, or Unit)
Indirect Rates
Wrap Rates
Actual vs Provisional Indirect Rate Variances
Contract Reporting
Contract Profit & Loss with Direct and Indirect Costs
Contract Status – Cost Summary
Contract Status – T&M
Contract Status – Labor & Costs
Inception-to-Date Total
% Funding Utilized/Remaining
% Contract Value Utilized/Remaining
Contract Budget Balance
Funding Backlog
Labor Detail
Export Multi-Contract Reports
Labor Costs
Labor Billing Rate Calculator
Labor Distribution Report
Hours and Amounts by Job
Incurred Cost Proposal
Generate All Required Schedules Automatically Populated with Cost Data
Add Optional Schedules
Table of Contents
Hyperlinked Cross References
Templates for Narrative and External Data
Export Schedules to Excel
Budget Direct and Indirect Costs for Future Periods
Apply Escalation Rate to QuickBooks base year data
Budget Fixed Amounts or Line-Item Details
Budgeted Costs by Contract and Proposals
Include/Exclude Proposals in Budgeted Rate Calculations
Provisional Indirect Rate Calculations
Labor Hours, Costs, Benefits by Budgeted Employee/Position
Budget vs Actual Reports
Company Org Chart
ICAT Setup
Self-Serve Help Resources
Email Support
Standard ICAT Software Support
Additional Consulting Services Available, including:
  • Accounting System Compliance
  • Incurred Cost Proposals
  • Provisional Billing Rates
Contact Us for a Custom Quote
Contact Us for a Custom Quote
Contact Us for a Custom Quote

Commonly Asked Questions

Why should I use ICAT?

To build a profitable business, you need to understand the total cost of doing business. ICAT helps you make better decisions with accurate, consistent, and up-to-data data from your QuickBooks general ledger. No more waiting on someone to get back to you with the data you need to manage jobs and prepare cost proposals.

ICAT supports FAR & DFARS requirements through the life of the contract, while offering flexibility, saving time, and avoiding delay in contract award. You have instant access to key financial reports, with the ease of opening a spreadsheet.

Is ICAT DCAA compliant?

No software application is DCAA compliant on its own; Companies are DCAA compliant when they demonstrate their accounting system is set up and maintained in accordance with all requirements. This includes proper configuration of the accounting system and written policy statements with corresponding procedures in place for timekeeping, labor distribution, indirect cost allocation, job cost reporting, and billing.

ICAT Standard and Advanced Editions give government contractors key capabilities for compliant Federal contract cost accounting that QuickBooks alone does not provide. Using ICAT with QuickBooks, companies can pass the DCAA accounting system review.

With ICAT you can efficiently and consistently calculate indirect rates, allocate indirect costs to contracts, run job cost reports, monitor costs incurred on a contract, and reconcile labor distribution. For contracts subject to FAR 52.216-7, ICAT Advanced generates your Incurred Cost Proposal with your cost data automatically populated from QuickBooks, saving you significant time and effort to satisfy this requirement. ICAT Advanced Edition's Budget module enables you to substantiate cost proposals and develop provisional billing rates.

The evaluation criteria are outlined on Standard Form 1408 – Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor Accounting System.

Questions? Contact us.

How long does implementation take?

With ICAT you can rapidly deploy a compliant accounting system and avoid delay in contract award. Once your chart of accounts is configured to implement your indirect cost allocation policy, you can start running reports from QuickBooks within hours, not weeks or months. ICAT is easy to implement and use, but we're here to help if you need us.

Which versions of QuickBooks work with ICAT?

ICAT works with any Windows-based Desktop Edition of QuickBooks currently supported by Intuit, whether installed locally or in a cloud-hosted environment, including:

  • QuickBooks Desktop Premier Plus
  • QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise
  • QuickBooks Accountant Desktop
View the full System Requirements here.

At this time ICAT does not work with QuickBooks Online. We invite you to join our email list to recieve product updates.

My QuickBooks Desktop application is cloud-hosted. Can I use ICAT?
Definitely! With a cloud-hosted solution, you have convenient, secure access to your QuickBooks Desktop application from anywhere. Ask your hosting provider to provision ICAT in your remote environment.
Which timekeeping systems work with ICAT?

We believe businesses deserve the flexibility to choose solutions that fit their specific needs and budget — and that includes your timekeeping system.

Any web-based timekeeping solution that integrates with QuickBooks Desktop and satisfies the necessary DCAA internal control requirements will work with ICAT. Your time data will be imported into QuickBooks. ICAT reads that data from QuickBooks.

Which edition is right for my company?

ICAT is available in three editions. For companies preparing for a DCAA accounting system review, ICAT Standard or Advanced Edition is the best fit.

ICAT Standard Edition provides the core cost accounting capabilities plus essential tools for DCAA compliant accounting and contract management. Standard Edition includes job cost, contract status, labor distribution, funding backlog, and indirect rate variance reporting.

For contracts subject to FAR 52.216-7, ICAT Advanced Edition’s Incurred Cost Proposal Workbook will save you significant time and effort satisfying this requirement. ICAT generates all schedules (required and optional) with your cost data automatically populated from QuickBooks and ICAT.

Also in the Advanced Edition, ICAT’s Budget module enables you to make informed pricing decisions, support cost proposals, and develop provisional billing rates. The Budget module is a very popular feature with those who want greater control over their financials and business operation.

ICAT Basic Edition offers a simple entry-level product to get you started calcluating indirect rates and understanding indirect cost. Basic Edition is suitable for those who do not yet have government contracts or those with a few fixed price contracts. If you're just getting started, ICAT Basic helps you understand your indirect rates, but it does not include reporting to enable contract status reports, labor distribution, and financial monitoring. Upgrade at any time to add the full capabilities of ICAT.